An extraordinary journey to the top of the world, the documentary adventure “To The Arctic” tells the ultimate tale of survival. The film takes audiences on a never-before-experienced journey into the lives of a mother polar bear and her twin seven-month-old cubs as they navigate the changing Arctic wilderness they call home. Captivating, adventurous and intimate footage brings moviegoers up close and personal with this family’s struggle to survive in a frigid environment of melting ice, immense glaciers, spectacular waterfalls, and majestic snow-bound peaks.
Oscar-collector Meryl Streep narrates To The Arctic, a breathtaking new lMAX film about the top of the world, where rising temperatures threaten the survival of its inhabitants.
If Streep’s voice-over could save the planet like her performances win awards, the Earth would be solid. With the movie’s release, we’re getting warmer — not meaning that we’re closer to rescuing the Earth, but quite literary. “The sea ice is melting away,” Streep says in a soothing, almost sleepy tone. “This warming has left the polar bears on thin ice.”